Complaints Handling Policy
At Lux Cosmedix Laser Clinic, we are committed to treating all our patients appropriately, compassionately, and fairly. If, however, you have an issue with any matter in relation to your treatment at Lux Cosmedix, you are entitled to log a complaint.
For privacy and data protection reasons, you are required to do this in writing by a signed letter sent by post or a scanned signed letter sent by e-mail from your own account. If you require assistance with making your complaint, Lux Cosmedix will be pleased to help and support you through the process. You will need to send in the complaint letter to:
Lux Cosmedix, 2 Toulouse Street or e-mail your scanned, signed letter to [email protected]Â
Your complaint will be forwarded to our Client Communications team and you will receive an e-mail within three working days to confirm receipt of your complaint and to inform you that an investigation into the matter is underway.
 In the case of a treatment-related complaint, the matter will be discussed with the relevant medical aestheticians and may require you to attend a face-to face meeting with that aesthetician or an alternative member of the clinic’s medical team, including the owner of the clinic. The objective of this is to provide an explanation and a resolution. Our Client Communications member aims to provide you with a full written response within 20 working days or where this is not possible, an explanation as to the cause of the delay.
Should you be dissatisfied with the response to your complaint, you have the option to escalate your complaint to Stage 2 and should do this in writing.
Client Communications will provide a written acknowledgement of receipt within 3 working days informing you that your complaint is now being looked into by the Registered Manager of Lux Cosmedix, Owner & Medical Cosmetologist Zouka Kabbara or CEO Maria Michael
At this stage you may also be invited to a face-to-face meeting with the member of Client Communications, a senior manager and possibly also those who responded to the complaint at Stage 1. This will be an opportunity to resolve the complaint by taking a further look at a specific matter.
A full response regarding the outcome will be provided within 20 working days, or where the investigation is still in progress, a letter will be written explaining the reason for the delay to the complainant.
If you are dissatisfied with the response to their complaint after Stage 2, you may escalate your complaint to Stage 3 of our Complaints Handling Policy.
The reasons for the complaint
- What aspects of the complaint remain unresolved after Stages 1 and 2
- What outcome the complainant is seeking
Please contact [email protected]